Midwestern Jungle Updates!


A lot has changed here in the last few months, so I wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the changes you might have seen across the website, as well as take a moment to ask for feedback on some topics you’d like to see in the future.

First, the store is up! I have listed my e-books on topics like mixing custom soil, building a pole for climbing plants, and grow lights. I want to explain each of these. Since this is a new and totally digital product, I imagine there might be some confusion about what you’re getting if you purchase one of these items.

Mini E-books:

  • Free Plant Care Sheet: This is a spreadsheet customized for plant people to help organize your plant care. It helps you keep track of when you’ve watered, fertilized, wiped leaves, etc. The spreadsheet itself can be printed as many times as you need in case you’re like me and you’d need several sheets to cover all the plants in your home. The spreadsheets can be organized by room, plant type, or any other organizational method that will help you keep your plants happy!

  • Coir Pole: This mini e-book is designed to walk you through the materials and steps necessary to build and extend climbing poles for your plants. It’s a step-by-step guide. You can keep it 100% digital, or you can print but I suggest selecting black and white printing so you don’t deplete your color supply!

  • Custom Potting Mix: this mini e-book covers making your own potting mix by plant type. Many plant parents want to make their own custom potting mixes, but don’t know where to start. This guide will help you choose what type of mix is best for your plant, understand why soilless mix is important, and help you identify the ingredients you need to make your own mix. Again, this can remain in its colorful digital form, or be printed in black and white if you prefer a hard copy.

  • Grow Lights: This is the most extensive tutorial we’ve done yet. Between 3000-4000 words on understanding the terminology and science behind grow lights, this one is for the people who really want to learn more about keeping plants alive through the winter or in the basement with grow lights. Though this mini e-book does not make recommendations for specific brands of grow lights, you are always welcome t reach out to me to discuss your plant and specific grow light needs and I can make recommendations. This is another bright e-book, so you can keep it in it’s digital form or print in black and white.

  • All of these offerings will be e-mailed to you with a link as soon as you purchase, please download within 24 hours.

Winter Plant Care Workshop:

I will be a guest presenter for a Winter Plant Care Workshop by Jade (@blackplantchick) on October 31. The workshop will cover everything you need to know about bringing your plants inside, or prepping indoor plants for the winter. I will be presenting on grow lights, and there will be a giveaway for workshop attendees. You can win a grow light of your own, sponsored by Hausbright.

What do you Think?

I would love to know what you want to hear about in the future! Are there any topics on which understanding has eluded you in the plant world? Anything you’re seeing out on the internet or with plant friends that needs clarification? I might not be an expert on the topic, but I LOVE to research, and I’d be happy to look into it for you. You can comment, email me, or find me on Instagram to make suggestions on blog topics that interest you. I have a few that are really calling to me, but studying my webpage analytics has been enlightening. I see that many of you are here for the Hoya, so I want to honor that interest and any other that are on your minds.

Also, to those of you who have downloaded my mini-ebooks and printables (see thank you below 😜) please PLEASE send me your feedback! I want to know the good, and, and the ugly so I can continue to improve and provide the best information.


And Thank You!

I also want to thank all of you for your support and for reading what I have to say. It means a lot to me! Thanks to those of you who have downloaded my free or paid e-books or printables.


Hoya Linearis: A Plant Profile


Art + Plants = True Love